The FOW Committee got the okay for the requested zoning variance at the Adams County Board of Zoning Appeals last Thursday evening.  This is for the land that Dona Schaeffer donated to the Indiana German Heritage Society upon which the Wyneken House presently stands and where it will be permanently located for future years use.  The request asked the BZA to allow a museum to be located in an agriculturally zoned land space.

One neighbor asked the board to require FOW to set and meet a time-line for “closing up” the building.  This will require the completion of the basement, moving the house over it, and finishing the re-installation of the outside doors and windows.  The BZA did stipulate in their findings that these three items plus the finishing of the slate roof and starting a visual “buffer” between the Wyneken House and this neighbor’s property.

FOW’s plans do include completion of these items before next October, at which time the BZA will hold a follow-up review of the actions that have been taken to finish this work.     

 John B. Kalb, FOW Building Committee